Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Part 2 :)

London wasn't as amusing as Paris. The buildings in London was nothing compared to the once in Paris. Maybe thats why, we didnt bother much about sight seeing in London. We spent most of the time shopping :)

Its finally Spring there :) Aren't they pretty ?

Buckingham Palace :)

Wesley Abbey, London Bus :D

Big Ben :) This is quite a cool building. But sorry for the terrible photography.

This thing tells you the time if you stand on the date closest to the actual date. :D



The lameness of my siblings :P they seriously make my day :D

Grace & Vivien

I also followed KheiSze to meet up with them who's now studying in uk.

So in one of the days when we're in London, we decided to take a train down to Oxford cause, well alot of ppl say its a really pretty place.

The building that is right in the middle of the whole of Oxford University :)

The oldest library.

If you realise. This is the dining room in Harry Potter :) It was taken there.

This was in Harry Potter too. But i dont remember anything about it. But it looks really cool right ? :P

London Bridge ! :)

And on the day before we left, we went to the famous wax museum, Madame Tussaud. :) We had to queue for one hour to get the tickets.

Johnny Depp
George Bush with my bro's shoes ;D

Newton haha.
Justin Timberlake :)

So that's about it. It took me ages to post this up. But its not even half of what we took. Kheisze will be posting most of them up in facebook :D so check it out if you're interested haha.

I miss Paris and London alot now, really :(

Thursday, March 26, 2009

So im back from Paris & London. Didn't have any time to upload the pictures into the com since i was having a terrible jet lag. I have been sleeping crazy alot since the day i got back. Never get to finish stuffs that im suppose to do cause all my time is spent on my sleep. :p

Paris was really, really beautiful. The buildings there were all arranged in a very unique way. You will seriously get lost because everywhere seems to look exactly the same. We only stayed in town for the 5 days since we didnt have much time in Paris. But it was good enough & i got to see many many wonderful, crazy awesome architecture buildings. :D

We were having difficulties communicating with the people there. Most of them dont know how to speak english. Or even if they can, they would have the french slang which makes it really really hard to understand. And most of the descriptions are all in french. No english at all. Which is really weird, dont you think ?

Ksze & Zehuei :)

Spot Arc de Triomphe at the back :)
That's a train station at the back of us. Pretty isn't it ? :)
At the top of a building, called Tower Montparnasse :D
Chatteau de Versailles / Versailles Palace :)

Gasps. Very pretty, no ? :) and it was seriously freezing there.

Paris Opera House. I didnt get a chance to go in : (

Arc de Triomphe
Outside Moulin Rouge

So some of you might have already heard my story. I went for this show name Moulin Rouge which is a famous show in Paris. We were lucky enough cause we got our ticket for free thanks to the aunty who brought us around Paris. And the show was really good. Despite the fact that there were like more than 20 girls up on stage topless. Topless as in yea, entirely topless. So it was pretty much disturbing for me. :p

Sacred Heart Church

Notre Dame Church.

Musee de Louvre/Louvre Museum

Okay there is so many pictures that i dont even know which to upload !

Anyways, i'll continue London in the next post :P
